
IntelliGrade is helping companies and law enforcement bodies to fight back against criminals who trade, store and upload images and videos showing the sexual abuse of children. 

IntelliGrade is a powerful new tool that enables our analysts to accurately grade child sexual abuse images and videos, while automatically generating unique hashes (digital fingerprints) which are used to identify and eliminate these images wherever they appear. 

What makes IntelliGrade different from other technology, is that it allows us to enrich these hashes with additional contextual metadata. 

A key benefit of this enrichment process is that hashes generated by IntelliGrade are compatible with child sexual abuse laws and classifications in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Interpol Baseline standard.

This means we can provide a dataset of hashes of child sexual abuse imagery which is compatible with multiple legal jurisdictions around the world. 

This gives reassurance to some of the world’s biggest – and smallest – tech companies so that they can better protect their customers, and better protect children whose abuse images are shared online.

And it gives peace of mind to those survivors of child sexual abuse that we can now fight back, together.

Get in touch now

Speak to us about how you can get access to the IWF Hash List and become part of something ground-breaking. Email [email protected] or call +44 (0)1223 20 30 30.

In this section

Creating IntelliGrade

Uses of IntelliGrade

IntelliGrade FAQs

Our services

Image Hash List

A list of ‘digital fingerprints’ of known child sexual abuse imagery allowing you to stop it on your networks, platforms and apps.

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Keywords List

A unique list of words, phrases, and codes offenders may use to conceal child sexual abuse imagery on legitimate networks and platforms.

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URL List

A list of webpages that we know contain pictures and videos of child sexual abuse so Members can block access.

Non-Photographic Imagery URL List

A list of known-webpages showing computer-generated imagery (CGI), drawn or animated pictures of children suffering abuse for blocking.

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Takedown Notices

Immediate warnings to your UK organisation about child sexual abuse images and videos being hosted on your network or platform.

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Domain Alerts

We help registries stop their top-level domains (TLDs) from being abused and used to host criminal child sexual abuse imagery.

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Simultaneous Alerts

Immediate warnings about child sexual abuse images or videos hosted on networks in the United States.


Virtual Currency Alerts

Real-time notifications for cryptocurrency companies when a virtual currency is being used to buy child sexual abuse imagery.

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Payment Brand Alerts

Help protect your legitimate financial service brand from being used for payments online for criminal child sexual abuse imagery.

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Newsgroup Services

Lists and notifications of confirmed child sexual abuse imagery being hosted on newsgroup services.