This new campaign is aimed at raising awareness of the gradual increase of child sexual abuse material and how it can be reported by the public in target countries.
Internet Watch Foundation is proudly adds name to two new campaigns focusing on improving the response to child sexual abuse in the EU
Every 5 Minutes our analysts in Cambridge find & remove an image or video online of a child suffering sexual abuse.
13 organisations launch campaign to stop the spread of child sexual abuse material online
Our campaign aims to help young people understand the harm of sharing explicit imagery online and encourage parents and educators to start conversations.
The findings will be ‘invaluable’ in turning the tide on the threat children are facing from online predators.
Alongside ICMEC, we are building capacity around child online protection internationally with capacity building events and the launch of IWF reporting portals.
We've partnered with CHI to build capacity amongst international helpline staff to deal with online child sexual exploitation and abuse.
IWF is campaigning for an end to use of the phrase ‘child pornography’. There’s #NoSuchThing. It’s child sexual abuse imagery and videos.
Major IWF campaign to help boost child welfare and internet safety in Uganda and Zambia.
In conjunction with partners in the private and public sector, we regularly run campaigns aimed at raising awareness & prevention of child sexual abuse online.
Our #HomeTruths (TALK) and Gurls Out Loud 'self-generated' child sexual abuse prevention campaign.