New AI child sexual abuse laws announced following IWF campaign
Tighter rules come as IWF warns AI-generated child sexual abuse imagery reports have quadrupled in a year.
Published: Wed 22 Mar 2017
The filtering and moderation services provider Edge IT Ltd has joined IWF membership.
Edge IT Ltd offers its customers iNetGuardian, a cloud based service for parents, grandparents and carers to easily supervise family online activity. iNetGuardian allows you to set internet access timings for different devices, monitor searches and webpages accessed by children. Similarly, its anti-phishing filter blocks malicious websites and protects children from sharing sensitive data. The aim is to allow children to explore the internet but at the same time parents, grandparents and carers have the ability to quickly and easily access a dashboard to see what websites the children are visiting, ensuring they always stay safe online.
As a Member of the IWF, Edge IT Ltd will now be using the URL List and Hash List services, to provide their customers with a more secure internet access. The URL List is a list of webpages where child sexual abuse imagery is available. This list is provided to our Members so they can deny access to these sites while we work to remove the content online. The IWF Image Hash List is a list of child sexual abuse images which have been given unique codes (hashes). These hashes identify duplicate child sexual abuse images. It significantly improves the success of filters. Both services provide with the most accurate way to protect our Members and their customers from child sexual abuse imagery.
Paul Ford, Director of Edge IT Ltd, said: "Becoming a member of the IWF enables Edge IT Ltd to continually improve our service through iNetGuardian to help children have a safer online experience. It is a pleasure to work with the IWF to ensure that the internet is a safe and enriching environment for all children and to allow parents to understand more about their child’s online identity."
Susie Hargreaves OBE, IWF CEO, said: “Working with filtering and moderation providers like Edge IT Ltd is a natural partnership. For Edge IT Ltd it will mean a significant improvement in the precision and comprehensiveness of their filtering services. For us, it means that we are one step closer to achieve our goal, to remove every child sexual abuse image and video from being accessed and hosted online.”
Contact: Emma Hardy, IWF Director of External Relations +44 (0) 1223 203030 or +44 (0) 7929 553679.
We make the internet a safer place. We help victims of child sexual abuse worldwide by identifying and removing online images and videos of their abuse. We search for child sexual abuse images and videos and offer a place for the public to report them anonymously. We then have them removed. We’re a not for profit organisation and are supported by the global internet industry and the European Commission.
For more information please visit www.iwf.org.uk.
The IWF is part of the UK Safer Internet Centre, working with Childnet International and the South West Grid for Learning to promote the safe and responsible use of technology.
Tighter rules come as IWF warns AI-generated child sexual abuse imagery reports have quadrupled in a year.