IWF welcomes return of long delayed Online Safety Bill

Published:  Thu 24 Nov 2022

Key legislation aimed at preventing online harms will return to Parliament next month following fears it could have been dropped altogether.

Speaking during Business Questions today (November 24), Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt confirmed the Online Safety Bill will return to Parliament on Monday, December 5.

Responding, Shadow Commons Leader Thangam Debbonaire said the Bill has been “dragged through Parliament with the grace and decorum of a reversing dumper truck”.

During this time, she said, online crime has “exploded”, and that “child sexual abuse online has become rife”.

The Bill’s planned return has been welcomed by the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), which has been urging the Government to bring the legislation back following a series of delays.

Susie Hargreaves OBE, Chief Executive of the Internet Watch Foundation, said: “The return of this Bill is a relief. We’ve seen that the threats facing people, particularly children, online are not going away, and we know strong and unequivocal action will be needed if the UK is to realise its aim of being the safest place in the world to be online.

“Now, we need to see lawmakers pull together with a common aim. Police, charities, and big tech businesses are all doing a phenomenal amount of work, and a clear direction from Government will be a welcome boost.

“The Internet Watch Foundation stands ready to be part of the regulatory solution to the spread of online child sexual abuse material. We look forward to further clarity and to working with MPs to make sure children are protected.”

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