Our intelligent web crawler uses pioneering technology to scan web pages on the internet searching out images and videos showing the sexual abuse of children so our analysts can work to have them removed.
Innovations in detecting and removing child sexual abuse material have been made possible by a grant from Nominet.
Pioneering technology from the Internet Watch Foundation to help the internet community rid the internet of child sexual abuse imagery.
The principles and procedures under which the child sexual abuse content URL list is made available to members and under licence to specific non-members.
FAQs about our dynamic URL List, a comprehensive list of webpages where we’ve confirmed images and videos of child sexual abuse. All IWF Members can use this List, under licence, so that they can block access to these criminal webpages.
IntelliGrade is helping companies and law enforcement bodies to fight back against criminals who trade, store and upload images and videos showing the sexual abuse of children.
Our IntelliGrade process makes it easier for companies and law enforcement bodies to use those hashes to help make the internet a safer place
Technology companies can use our growing list of IntelliGrade hashes to stop the upload, sharing and storage of known child sexual abuse imagery on their platforms.
What you need to know about IntelliGrade, our powerful new tool helping companies and law enforcement bodies to fight back against online child sexual abuse images and videos.
The Internet Watch Foundation scooped a top prize at the 2023 National Technology Awards.
IWF and NSPCC's Report Remove can support a young person in reporting sexual images shared online and enables them to get the image removed if it is illegal.
We’re working in partnership with the End Violence Fund and the Lucy Faithfull Foundation to develop an innovative new chatbot to intervene and stop people looking at child sexual abuse imagery online before they’ve committed a crime.